16 Suggested Rhythms for Burned Out Pastors and Leaders

  1. Attend a small group you don’t lead.

  2. Find a trusted Christian counselor.

  3. Develop friends who don’t need you.

  4. Give up reading how-to ministry/leadership books and read healthy ministry/leadership perspective books instead.

  5. Journal (and be raw, blunt and honest as needed).

  6. Talk about a clear understanding of what success - and failure - looks like with your leadership (if applicable).

  7. Watch Dr. Brene Brown’s TED videos with your leadership - and spend time discussing it.

  8. Secure a mentor, coach or spiritual director.

  9. Talk it out. Cry. Weep. Yell.

  10. Connect regularly with other pastors or leaders in your area with whom you can be honest with about ministry/leadership struggles.

  11. Practice Sabbath.

  12. Model the Go-First principle.

  13. Participate in life-giving hobbies and activities.

  14. Get out of the zip code for the day.

  15. Avoid conferences and events that promote celebrities and highlight success.

  16. Exercise and eat well.


What Japanese Art Can Teach Us About Brokeness


Personal Declaritive Statements